
Monday, 13 July 2015

A planting we will go...

When we look outside our genkan we are surrounded by healthy vegetable gardens and rice fields. These eggplants are happily growing in a row just behind Obachan chi's. Our neighbor who is a very agile 91 year old, says the key to being healthy is keeping active and he certainly does that everyday! It's a wonder though that the deers, which have been spotted, haven't gobbled them up!

So, inspired by our neighbors we started our very own veggie patch one fine sunny day, planting corn and sunflowers. 

Originally, Obachan created her own little flower garden with tulips and daffodils just outside her house, which seem to have turned wild over time. We started churning up the soil and   formed rows ready for planting.

Our ever willing assistant was eager to help out. Even after two days, we noticed a corn seed that hadn't been planted deep enough, but it was already sprouting. Nature is quick!

We are lucky enough to have some shade provided by the kashiwa tree. It's leaves are traditionally wrapped around mochi (compressed rice cakes) and eaten on "Boy's Day" in Japan. This tree is over 50 years old and while it has been neglected and a little diseased, it has fought back with some clipping and is providing some shade for our little veggie patch.

Hope we get a bumper crop! Will keep you updated.

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